👋🏾 Hi! I’m
Elle Jones
Personal trainer based in San Diego, CA

- Functional Strength Training
- Nutrition Coaching
- Weight / fat loss
- Injury Rehabilitation
“Elle completely changed my relationship with food and working out. Before, I was a 400 steps a day, full pizza in one sitting person. Now I’m someone who works out in the morning and meal preps on the weekend. She helped me find that person within myself. Honestly, it’s like food&body therapy.”
– Eva, Training & nutrition client
Your Session Includes
- An in-depth, personalized consultation to set goals and establish a plan
- Check-ins between sessions
- Workout programs catered to your goals and progress
- Nutrition recommendations to support your target goals

🥊 Gym Sessions
Meet in the gym for weight lifting, athletic training, and boxing.
🌏 Virtual Sessions
Train from the comfort of your home and stay connected from anywhere in the world—even when you’re traveling!
😎 Outdoor Sessions
Train outdoors and get some fresh air and vitamin D! Perfect if you’re working from home all day.